Today had concluded nicely, or so I thought. Actually, the last two days have been really productive. We've replaced some doors on some long vacant rooms in the two story building. Once painted, we will have new rooms ready to rent! We've just about gotten a Kitchenette ready for new tenants, and have done some much needed plumbing repairs. Also, I had two tenants move out unexpectedly, only to find that their room was FILTHY AND they had been keeping a cat in there, which is a big no no around here. It took most of the day to clean it. So between dealing with that, hanging and painting doors, and working the grounds in general, we've been busy.
And oh yeah, the property owner came by today to negotiate with an asphalt company about repaving our entire parking lot.
By 6:30, we were all pretty exhausted.

Jayson, my assistant, announced he was going to his room and passing out. I told him that sounded like a good idea, and announced that I was going to lie down for a bit, myself. I had planned to call Meredith later on and figured I would have just enough time for a short nap before calling. I put the "Please ring for assistance" sign on the front door and locked it. I proceeded to the couch, and dropped.
As I was JUST drifting off, the doorbell rang. Ugh. I got up, wondering who needed towels or toilet paper. As I looked forward, through the door, I clearly saw two uniformed police officers, and two marked squad cars behind them, in the lot.

Never a dull moment. There was no chit chat this time. No "Hi, Chuck, how's it going?" I opened the door and was immediately asked if I knew of a specific 15 year old girl. I replied that I did not, and was then asked if there were any tenants who I thought might know someone of that description. The cops were not smiling, and seemed a bit agitated. I went through each room in my head, thinking of the particular occupants:
Room 1- Scotty, the polite, functioning alcoholic, room 2-Laurie the sleepwalker, room 3-Dave the business man/biker/getting divorced/has a hot British girlfriend from Tunisia (I don't make this stuff up), room 4- the still empty and not rented ex "Fish" room, room 5- recently damaged by the bizarre guy who pulled the bathroom door of the hinges--You know, I don't need to go into all the rooms here. Let's just say I continued going through them until I got to the room with the Lollapalooza couple. I call them that because, well, it fits. (If you aren't familiar with Lollapalooza, find someone in their 20s and ask them). Anyway, the couple in question here are both

I brought this particular couple to the officers' attention, and off they went, at a brisk pace. I walked back into the office to grab my cell phone and heard the bell ring again. It was another cop, who quickly asked "Where'd my guys go?" I pointed him in the direction of my young couple, and off he went. Within moments, a fourth squad car pulled up.
By now, the rest of the motel population was curious and coming out of the proverbial woodwork. At this point, I was forced to enact the "We Got Cops!" plan, which involves calling Jayson and Jeff, my maintenance guy, and having all three of us stand outside, making sure the overly curious tenants don't start over-mingling.
I also thought, just then, of our recently deceased Fish. This would have been the scenario where he would have popped his head out and said "Chuck! There's cops here!" I kind of miss the guy.
Anyway, as we were standing outside, watching the proceedings, we noticed a nice, late model Volkswagen Jetta pull into the lot, with a 40-ish woman driving. She seemed very agitated, and was talking on her cell phone as she pulled in. Just as we were wondering what her deal was, we saw one of the cops walk up and start talking to her. We wondered if she was the mom of the mystery girl. Within one minute, our question was answered.

There, from behind the building, emerged a police officer. This wasn't just any police officer. This was Officer Tracy. Officer Tracy, the blond bombshell officer, who upon arriving on any scene, causes most men to use the cliched line of "She can arrest me ANYTIME!" Officer Tracy was escorting an obviously teen aged girl, who looked more annoyed than upset. She brought the girl right up to the driver side of the Jetta, at which point a verbal altercation between the obvious mom and the girl ensued. I would like to now paraphrase, as best I can, what I sort of heard:
Mom (waving finger at girl, from behind the the wheel):
"I can't believe you just.....without....how dare you....!"
Girl (attempting to defend herself):
"It wasn't what you.......I never..........You can't.........!"

"Don't EVEN..........I'm never going to.............you better.....RIGHT NOW!"
And then the ambulance arrived.
"NO! I'm not going to........PLEASE!!!"
The girl was actually escorted to the back of a squad car, and much quiet discussion ensued amongst the cops. I think the male cops just wanted a chance to chat with Officer Tracy. Within two minutes, all the vehicles quietly pulled out of my lot, and left.
At this point the general population of the motel had lost interest and had gone back to their rooms. Even I could see the show was over, and headed back in. It's rare that the cops ever need to talk to me, anyway.
I really have no idea why the ambulance showed up . Also, I never saw any sign of my Lollapalooza couple.
Oh well. I got my phone call in, and assured Meredith it was just another evening at The Old Motel.